
Anger in the heart

People around the world have all the right to get angry ,but here is what the Bible says,you need to be slow to anger and fast to hear,most of the people are slow to hear and quick to anger, scientist say a happy heart is a healthy one,make sure you avoid all areas that may make you angry ,always be happy, because good things happen to people who are happy,when Lucifer called the devil today was cast out of heaven the angels celebrated,this is coming from the "great contravecy", revelation will tell you that Jesus Christ is at the door of your heart knocking that He should enter once you allow Him you are set for all will be well.

Why do people fail to Stand out

Most of the people in the world desire to stand out but fail,the reason is because they want to do it without Jesus Christ,as an ambassador of Christ you need to know that their is a source of all inspiration.


The origin if sin has been expained in many ways ,did you realize that sin is the blanket that covers you and others from the ever wounderful face of God,"rule are made for rule breakers"so if you want to see Jesus Christ stop sinning he did die for you and so prepare the way for the coming of the Lord in your heart 


Moses was the last of the three children of amram and jochebed ,the word Moses is initially spelled as mouses, meaning someone who is saved from water.names are very important to someone, expecially the meaning of the name,holds or forms your character.

Who is a pastor and his wife ?

Shepard and shepardess, their purpose in life is to lead a flock called the sheep,which a members of the church which is reffered to as the body of Christ.